Ian P. Levy, Edd
Dr. Ian Levy is an Assistant Professor of School Counseling in the Department of Educational Psychology at Rutgers University. He is also a New York City native, former High School counselor, and emcee. His research interests include the examination of mental health practices in urban schools, which entails exploring the effective use of the school counselor and other school staff to support the emotional lives of young people.
Most notably, Dr. Levy piloted the development, implementation, and evaluation of a Hip-Hop based counseling framework. His work has been featured on various news outlets including the New York Times, and CNN, and published a variety of reputable academic journals. In 2016 he was named the New York State School Counselor of the Year. Ian is the author of the Hip-Hop & Spoken Word Therapy in School Counseling, published by Routledge. Ian is also an emcee, and released his 2nd album – Sometimes, I Forget Where I’ve Been – in 2023.